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cybersecurity and biomedical technology research for healthcare


Our mission is simple: Healthier Tech for Healthier People.


The Biohacking Village started as a nonprofit in 2014, back when cybersecurity in healthcare wasn’t the priority it is today. We saw a need to raise awareness about the importance of security in patient care.

Healthcare is huge, and it’s easy to forget that protecting systems and devices is just as important as the care patients receive. That’s where we come in. Our mission is to bridge that gap by partnering with medical and pharmaceutical manufacturers, digital health experts, patient advocates, citizen scientists, and healthcare organizations like hospitals and clinics. We’re committed to making patient care safer by raising awareness of the critical roles cybersecurity, biotechnology, and research play in our world—because at the end of the day, we’re all patients in this system.


One of the biggest challenges we face, not just as an organization but across healthcare, is funding. How do we fix these issues without the proper support? Research takes time, money, and resources.


We’re looking for partners and senior leaders who want to grow with us. We provide a space where industry partners, government officials, researchers, citizen scientists, and other experts can come together to tackle big conversations about equity, leadership, science, and innovative solutions.


If we don’t build trust into the process, how can we expect trust between doctors, the devices they rely on, the facilities they work in, and the patients they care for? Together, we can build that trust and strengthen our communities.


This is our story, and it's not just the Biohacking Village—it’s all of us.​​

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